Bookcited!: A Libraries NI podcast for all things library

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Aisling and Gary go back to school with their classic choices of The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald and The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger and connect them to the more recent songs Happiness by Taylor Swift and Who Wrote Holden Caufield by Green Day.
#GreatGatsby #CatcherInTheRye #TaylorSwift #FScottFitzgerald #JDSalinger #GreenDay #Happiness #WhoWroteHoldenCaufield #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongInspiredByBooks

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Listen as Julie and Michael dive into iconic novels 1984 by George Orwell and Perfume by Patrick Suskind exploring the connections to their related songs 1984 by David Bowie and Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana.
#1984 #Perfume #PatrickSuskind #Nirvana #ScentlessApprentice #GeorgeOrwell #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongInspiredByBooks

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde are in the spotlight with Stuart and Darren as they relate how their chosen songs White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane and Dark Entries by Bauhouse take inspiration from the novels.
#AliceInWonderland #DorianGray #LewisCarroll #JeffersOnAirplane #OscarWilde #DarkEntries #WhiteRabbit #Bauhaus #DavidBowie #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongInspiredByBooks

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Danielle and Gary agree to disagree over the novel Persuasion by Jane Austen and associated song Quietly Yours by Birdie while Gary tries to sell Danielle on the horror classic Pet Sematary by Stephen King and reveals how the song Pet Sematary by The Ramones was written.
#PetSematary #Persuasion #JaneAusten #StephenKing #Birdie #TheRamones #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongInspiredByBooks

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Stuart and Danielle bond over their memories of reading Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and favourite songs inspired by the books: Ramble On by Led Zeppelin and Never let Me Go by Rachel Portman.#LordOfTheRings #NeverLetMeGo #Tolkien #KazuoIshiguro #LedZepplin #RambleOn #RachelPortman #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongInspiredByBooks

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. Peter and Darren have chosen Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle and Moby Dick by Herman Melville to explore how they relate to Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty and Nantucket Sleighride by Mountain.
#MobyDick #SherlockHolmes #HermanMelville #ArthurConanDoyle #GerryRafferty #Mountain #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongsInspiredByBooks

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
A short series of podcasts exploring the connections between songs and the books that inspired them. First up, Jillian and Peter reminisce about Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush inspired by the novel by Emily Bronte and Are ‘Friends’ Electric? by Tubeway Army inspired by Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick.
#WutheringHeights #ElectricSheep #PhilipKDick #EmilyBronte #KateBush #TubewayArmy #GaryNuman #Songs #Books #Classics #Novels #Songbook #Songbooks #LiteraryConnections #MusicalConnections #BookReviews #SongsWithLiteraryConnections #SongsInspiredByBooks